Report launch: Unequal Regard, Unequal Protection
Violence against women is a nationwide problem in the UK, yet some groups will face more obstacles than others when trying to escape their abusers. Women from BAME groups who are dealing with domestic violence are forced to confront a series of complex social, economic and cultural barriers when trying to get help. Around 40 per cent of BAME women live in poverty and 50 per cent experience domestic violence from multiple perpetrators. Some, whose immigration status is precarious, are too scared to approach the authorities. Some may not speak English. Others fear being shunned by their family and community if they leave home.
Despite the growing visibility of BAME women, there is still a fundamental lack of understanding of the social and cultural factors they have to contend with. The support they receive should sensitively and efficiently respond to their specific needs. Instead, funding cuts that Violence against women is a nationwide problem in the UK, yet some groups will face more obstacles than others when trying to escape their abusers. Women from BAME groups who are dealing with domestic violence are forced to confront a series of complex social, economic and cultural barriers when trying to get help. Around 40 per cent of BAME women live in poverty and 50 per cent experience domestic violence from multiple perpetrators. Some, whose immigration status is precarious, are too scared to approach the authorities. Some may not speak English. Others fear being shunned by their family and community if they leave home.
With the support of GMSP and in partnership with BAME organisations across England, Sisters For Change conducted a legal and national advocacy research project that maps the way public authorities are responding to BAME women victims of violence.
The report (launched in September 2017) 'Unequal Regard, Unequal Protection', which is aimed at government officials, policy makers and all those involved in the protection of vulnerable women, evaluates current funding services dedicated to violence against women in the BAME community across six local authorities in England. It recommends legislative and policy changes needed to improve their protection and looks at problems in the implementation of current laws and strategies. It is the most extensive analysis of its kind to date.